My favorite piece of technology

The human has created many things, but there is a simple object that I love it, I'm speaking about bubble-maker, a piece that can make many bubbles, and currently there are many sizes!!

Everyone has use this object sometime, it’s make with a recipient that contains a mix of water and soap, and it have a frame which is attached to the container lid, and by blowing through this frame you make the bubbles.     

And why is it my object favorite? Simple, this object connects me with my childhood, when I was little I loved make bubbles with this object, and burst it.

Currently my best friend has a daughter, his name is Danae and he is four years old, and really she enjoy when we play with a bubble-maker.

Listen his laughs and see his happy face with something so simple is fantastic, the children can be happy without great luxuries. J      

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  1. When i was a kid my parents never bougth me one of that

    1. jajajajxd you lost all your childhood

  2. Oooh I love the bubbles <3 once for my birthday they gave me a giant bubble-maker and it was the coolest thing of the world (It was not that long ago :x)

    1. Jajajsjxd cool!! Good luck in the examen


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