My favorite tree
In my forest engineering career I have seen
a lot tree, but until now, my favorite tree is the Canelo, his scientific name is
Drimys winteri, and this an endemic
and native tree of Chile and Argentina. Drimys
winteri, is a sacred tree for the Mapuche people.
The wood is a light reddish color, the
flowers are white and small, and the leaves are shining green and cloudy on the
underside, by this last characteristic is called “the tree of the silver”.
This tree is very interesting because is a
transition between gymnosperms and angiosperms, two group very important in the
vegetal taxonomy. Drimys winteri belongs
to plants with flower (angiosperms), but in its structure it has tracheid, a particulate
characteristic of gymnosperms.
The Canelo has in its bark tannins, a
natural protection against insect, and besides this tree has high concentration
of vitamin C, even more that fruits like oranges and lemons.
This tree really is unique on the world and
I love it J
My friends nickname me Drimys, because they
say that my name Dámaris looks like Drimys, and of course, because I am also
unique on the world.
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